Marble Slab - Causeway point

Today, together with the usual two, we made our way to causeway point after the paper for Marble Slab Creamery. 

It is one of the newly opened stores in Causeway point. Basically, there are ice-creams (you can make your own or have the standard ones), ice-cream cakes, waffles, cones and things like that. You know, to things to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Marble Slab Creamery 
Causeway Point
1 Woodlands Square
#B1-22 Singapore 738099
Phone: 68912346
 More info here

We ordered some Oreo cookie thing to share. I'm not a big fan of ice-creams so most ice-creams taste pretty normal to me. The two wanted to eat so I just tagged along. Well, I can't deny it is a good place to sit down and have a little talk. However, do note that the store itself cannot exactly house large group of people.

The ice-cream in a waffle cup cost around 10 odd dollars but I believe there's discounts for certain cards. Do check with the staff if you wish to find out more about it.

"Find Happiness Within"

Tim and mine ^^ I love the cute little chick xoxo